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Cimatics Masterclass Live A/V, Brussels (2007/2008)

CimaticsThis week I am attending the fourth and last week of the Cimatics Masterclass Live A/V 2007/2008 in Brussels. Cimatics is a Brussels based international platform for Live A/V. This Masterclass consists of a series of 4 workshops with lectures from different internationally renowned media artists / theorists (amongst others Marc Amerika, Lab[au], Yves de Mey, Jerry  Galle, Brendan Byrne & Ana Carvalho, Boris Debackere). The practical part is all about collaboration: 10 selected artists, working in different fields of media-art (and with backgrounds ranging from choreography to architecture) form groups and collaborate with each other, with the aim of creating an audiovisual performance project.


(Announcement) Cowboy Bij Nacht @ Uitfeest Utrecht 2007

Cowboy Bij Nacht will present short excerpts from two upcoming theatre shows at Uitfeest 2007, marking the beginning of the cultural season. At Huis a.d. Werf, ‘Maandag of Dinsdag’ will be playing at 13.30 and 14.30 (Premiere will be october 25 2007 at Huis aan de Werf). At the Ganzenmarkt (Stadhuisplein), on every whole hour, there will be a short excerpt titled ‘Ondergetekende’. The premiere of this new performance is scheduled somewhere in spring 2008. I will make music for both pieces.

(Announcement) New Website!

Welcome to my slowly ever-expanding website (which is still under construction, though). As i add more articles, this site will function as an online portfolio of my work. For now, I’m in the process of adding textual information about my projects. Later on, i will add documentation.
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