The French Con­nec­tion (1971) This must have been the best crime thriller I’ve ever seen. The dense edit­ing gives the whole film a ner­vous pace, and the haunt­ing sound­track keeps you shiv­er­ing through­out. Def­i­nite­ly made me curi­ous about oth­er films direct­ed by William Fried­kin

  • artkavanagh

    19/11/2018 at 12:38

    @ArnoldHoogerwerf I saw The French Con­nec­tion when I was prob­a­bly too young to appre­ci­ate it. Hack­man’s per­for­mance stayed with me but oth­er­wise I was just con­fused! As for oth­er Fried­kin films, have you seen To LIve and Die in L.A. (1985)?

  • ArnoldHoogerwerf

    20/11/2018 at 21:25

    @artkavanagh I am def­i­nite­ly going to watch more of his films! Start­ing with The Excor­cist though, since I’m cur­rent­ly into sev­en­ties cin­e­ma a lot. Any more tips on that per­haps?

  • artkavanagh

    21/11/2018 at 18:29

    @ArnoldHoogerwerf I’ve nev­er actu­al­ly seen The Exor­cist. It was talked about a lot when I was at school but I and most of my friends were too young to get into see it. I was wary (or squea­mish) about hor­ror, par­tic­u­lar­ly if it involved the super­nat­ur­al, in any case. I think you should def­i­nite­ly see To Live and Die in L.A., even though it’s from the 80s, not the 70s. Like The French Con­nec­tion, it’s sup­pos­ed­ly based (ish) on a tru­ish sto­ry. It stars William Petersen, the year before he was going to be in Man­hunter (the Michael Mann adap­ta­tion of Red Drag­on). Not sure I’d exact­ly rec­om­mend Jade (1995) but I think any­one inter­est­ed in Fried­kin should see it.

  • ArnoldHoogerwerf

    23/11/2018 at 15:16

    @artkavanagh Thanks! I’m absolute­ly sure I will watch all your sug­gest­ed films since I’m kind of hooked already: the last cou­ple of days I watched both The excor­sist and Sor­cer­er! Check­ing off Fried­kin films one by one in chrono­log­i­cal order 🙂