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Book cover of a book on bicultural identity Proud of all my students who graduated in the last few weeks! And happy to be the owner of this beautiful and limited edition book by one of them (a side project of a bigger project including a short documentary on bicultural identity).

The more convincingly lifelike AI-generated text, images, audio, and now video become, the more I am drawn to tactile, analog, lo-fi, and more human forms of expression.

Interactieve luisterbeleving mens maakt landschap maakt mens

Voor alle thuisblijvers: mijn interactieve luisterfietstocht mens maakt landschap maakt mens is nu beschikbaar en kan op eigen gelegenheid worden gefietst en of gewandeld.

Voor mij nu eerst vakantie, maar op 10 september ben ik zelf aanwezig bij Museum IJsselstein om een introductie te geven en in gesprek te gaan met deelnemers. Meer informatie op mijn website!

Can ActivityPub save the internet? (David Pierce, The Verge, yesterday)

I’m hopeful, and would answer yes! Owning your own domain name should be the norm:

“But the advice you’ll hear from most people in this space is this: own your own domain. Don’t be john@/ or anna@/ Have a space that is yours, that belongs to you, a username and identity that can’t disappear just because a company goes out of business or sells to a megalomaniac.”

mmlmm work in progress

Momenteel werk ik aan een interactieve geluidswandeling /-fietstocht, als vervolg op de tentoonstelling mens maakt landschap maakt mens in Museum IJsselstein.

En goed nieuws! Onze gelijknamige videoinstallatie zal nog tot eind januari 2023 te zien zijn, nu als onderdeel van de nieuwe tentoonstelling Vensters.

Beide projecten zijn gebaseerd op diverse gesprekken die we met deelnemende kunstenaars en historici hadden over de menselijke omgang met cultuurlandschap in verleden, heden en toekomst. Met bijdragen van Niels Stomps, Wumen Ghua, Esther Polak, Ivar van Bekkum en historicus Arjan van ’t Riet. Binnenkort meer!

This week, I paid a visit to the beautiful Klok en Peel museum in Asten, a small museum with an extensive collection and library on the subject of bells. I was there for discussing a small commissioned job, but also for research on my upcoming soundscape project on city bells.

Finally received the custom made picture frame for a great birthday present I got from close friends: an abstract screen printing of a Redbreast Robin! (Part of BLOCBIRDS, an artproject by Studio 212 Fahrenheit.)

📚 According to my Goodreads list I already started reading A Distant Mirror years back, but the bookmark revealed I never got past the foreword. This time, I’m determined to read it all the way to the end, since it will be great research for my upcoming project on city bells.

❤️ Exploring the Dutch Green Heart landscape through Google Earth Studio.

Reconnecting with Max/MSP while getting into the fine art of campanology for an upcoming project on bells.

Graduation of first class of students Ad Design Digital Media

I just finished the first part of the examination assessment of the first group of students from the new Associate Degree Design Digital Media (HKU — Utrecht University of The Arts). I’m very proud of all our students: their hard work has certainly paid off, especially in these difficult times!

Be sure to take a look at the online exhibition at The students will have a Q&A with visitors on Friday 26 june 2020 from 16:45 — 19:00, you’re cordially invited! More info can be found here.

Or read this interview in Algemeen Dagblad with one of our students!

I was going through my sound archive and found a bunch of MiniDiscs. No way I will ever play them back anymore, but they’re simply too beautiful to trash them…

Pretty happy with the new work desk at my shared workspace. Now let’s work from home for the unforeseeable future…

🎵 I very much love this idea for a collective drone concert in quarantaine. Hope it works out as planned!

”Let’s all gather (in our shelters) and produce a drone (in C) from our balconies and windows that can be heard across the city – unifying us all in isolation and reverberating love and compassion“

Total lockdown vs. herd immunity

So, yesterday was quite a surreal day over here in the Netherlands. It was the first, sunny day of ‘the ‘Covid19’ lockdown, the Dutch way’. Instead of a total lockdown like China, Italy and now Spain and France, the Netherlands are opting for a controlled spreading of the Corona virus throughout the population.
By taking less stringent measures, society will be less disrupted, but a lot of healthy, less vulnerable people (possibly up to 60% of the population) will get sick with mild symptoms of Corona over the next coming months.
— Lees op

After a week of several Mid Year Assessments at HKU, I’m tired but very satisfied with all the great projects our students presented.

Just learned about word vectors and some cool tricks you can do with them for creative applications. For example: you can programmatically ‘average’ words like hot and cold to end up with warm! Time to get more into NLP, and a good enough motivation to improve my Python skills…

4000 axe-monies returned to Mexico

Intriguing mixture of folk art, economics and technology from 800 years ago.

They are archaeologically significant (…) because they attest to an exchange of monies and metallurgic technology between the ancient Mexican and Andean peoples.

What is monoculture?

”Is there less monoculture today, or is culture more mass than ever? Are we siloed within our own preferences or are we unable to escape the homogenized net-average, consuming all the same things?”

Very proud of all the participating students of the video and audio workshop at the Academy of Theatre and Dance in Amsterdam, who had their public presentation today. They all got way out of their comfort zone and made very personal, vulnerable works of art.

🎥 Finally had a chance to visit Andrei Tarkovsky: the exhibition in Eye Filmmuseum Amsterdam. The multi screen setup didn’t do his films justice in my opinion. But there were a lot of interesting handwritten manuscripts and beautiful Polaroids of dreamy landscapes.

🎵 My week in music (week #48)

Made a short visit with the family to ‘Self-publish or be damned’ at AG Utrecht. A beautiful ode to DIY publishing in various subcultures in the past and present.

🎵 Music + Activism ❤️ Place: The Netherlands

”The Netherlands positions itself as progressive and open but to People of Colour and other minority groups it is very different. LGBTQIA+ refugees are the most marginalized and the most at risk.”

Video and sound workshop on ‘Identity’ at Academy of Theatre and Dance Amsterdam

Had a great start of a new video and sound workshop at the Academy of Theatre and Dance in Amsterdam. We had a brief discussion on the fine art of mass manipulation, and on the uncanny similarities between this fake news fragment from a few days ago and the famous ‘Lambeth Walk’ parody of Nazi propaganda during the Second World War.

Watching the most beautiful woman in the world comes at a price…

Before Easter After

“Noise is treated less as a health risk than an aesthetic nuisance […] Complaining about noise elicits eye rolls. Nothing will get you labeled a crank faster.”

Why Is the World So Loud?

Just a webpage showing how much CO2 is emitted by Google every second…

“It is here that the well-educated person enters the picture: someone
who studies a subject not to acquire scientific knowledge of it but to
become a discerning judge”

The well-educated person

And the war of the blackest blacks continues…

“MIT engineers report today that they have cooked up a material that is 10 times blacker than anything that has previously been reported.”

Mit News

Bootcamp with students of the new bachelor Crossover Creativity at HKU Utrecht.

Dâmbovița, Romania

”I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I’ve watched C‑beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.”

Remembering Rutger Hauer — WIRED

Operation Night Watch begins today. Not your average restoration:

”Imaging techniques, including macro-XRF and RIS, will help determine its current condition, and macro X‑ray fluorescence scans will analyze the chemical make-up of the paint literally millimeter by millimeter.”

Jim Jarmusch: ‘I’m for the survival of beauty. I’m for the mystery of life’

Film — The Guardian

”According to Lorenz, the same visual cues can arouse us to equally intense caregiving when we encounter them in exaggerated and distilled form in animals, such as birds and puppies, and even in dummy models, such as teddy bears.”

Why the power of cute is colonising our world

Teaching a Neural Network How to Drive a Car

”One of the reasons I find neural network training so fascinating is that you can observe […] the basic method by which all life on Earth evolved the ability to do things like move, see, swim, digest food […] and use tools.”

“This tiny creature, with a brain the size of a pinhead and no opportunity to learn from older, experienced individuals, undertakes an epic intercontinental migration in order to find plants for its caterpillars to eat.”

Secrets of Painted Lady migration unveiled

Jumbo the privacy app just got a lot better. Love the smart privacy settings for Google and Twitter. Totally recommended!

Getting re-inspired through tidying up the archive from my college days and short thereafter. Both by courses from my old teachers and the first workshops I conducted myself after graduation. There’s a lot I forgot, but I’m sure a lot will find its way to future classes again!

Final two weeks of my sound installation at Eye Filmmuseum! (The parallel exhibition A Tale of Hidden Histories also very recommended)

Exploring cultural history through storytelling. Huai Mo Village(2012),Chia-Wei Hsu. At A Tale of Hidden Histories Exhibition, Eye filmmuseum Amsterdam.

“Many people wonder if there could be a genius like Leonardo today, or what a person of his disposition would do. Perhaps there cannot be another like him because today’s world requires tremendous specialization.”

The Mind of Leonardo Da Vinci

Excited to see Fatoumata Diawara listed as one of the guest curators for Le Guess Who 2019. Revealing the guest curators for Le Guess Who? 2019

Growing up in the Wassoulou region, she experienced stifling traditions and the oppression of women. In her music, Diawara addresses fierce political topics, fighting for the rights of women and children in her homeland.

l’Homme fidèle (2018) ★★★☆☆. By/with Louis Garrel, and with a convincing Lilly-Rose Depp. Everyone just needs to watch a good French romantic movie from time to time. And you can’t go wrong with this one.

Shell Shock sound installation at Eye Amsterdam

I made a commissioned sound installation for the Shell Shock programme in Eye Filmmuseum! You’re welcome to experience it until 22 May 2019. It’s free, since the installation is at the entrance of Eye, but I highly encourage you to also visit one of the great talks, films and other events as part of Shell Shock, or the parallel exhibition A Tale of Hidden Histories.

More info can be found on the project page.

Just imagine this:

No retweets, no trending hashtags, no unlimited global search, and no algorithmic recommended users. … It’s time for platforms to slow down, actively curate, and limit features that will spread hate.

Manton Reece — New Zealand and social media.

Having fun building a commissioned sound installation for the upcoming Shell Shock programme at Eye Filmmuseum, Amsterdam. Old technology meets new technology.

I really loved this atmospheric video installation. Shot in near-total darkness and silence. Sunrise, by David Claerbout, De Pont, Tilburg.

Art works by Richard Long, at De Pont museum, Tilburg.

Gaufrettes Sequence Randomly, Ann Veronica Janssens, (2018). De Pont museum, Tilburg.

Beautiful film props from the surreal cinema of Jan Švankmajer, on display in EYE Filmmuseum Amsterdam. This one is from one of my favourites: Conspirators of Pleasure (1996)

“I choose for my family. Maybe others are capable of doing it, but I can’t go on tour and be a good dad at the same time.”

Mark Hollis, explaining his decision to leave music in 1998 (but only after releasing possibly one of the most quiet and intimate records ever made.)

Mark Hollis — Mark Hollis

Dirk, the vagabond robot, Electric Circus, 2014. On display at Robots Love Music exhibition, Museum Speelklok, Utrecht. 

The Android Clarinetist, Cornelis Jacob van Oeckelen, Breda, the Netherlands, 1838. On display at Robots Love Music exhibition, Museum Speelklok, Utrecht 

Moving Image Course at HKU

This week I started a new Moving Image course at the HKU Brede Basisopleiding (University of the Arts Utrecht). Here you can see the students creating a Light Modulator. It’s so nice to see young students getting enthusiastic by an art excercise developed almost 80 years ago at Moholy-Nagy’s New Bauhaus.

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