

+31 (0)6 19884862





Visiting Address

De Haven­loods — Stu­dio 7zes/7vijf
Nijver­hei­dsweg 6
3534 AM Utrecht


Postal Address

Palm­suik­er­weg 34
3541 TK Utrecht
The Nether­lands



Click here to sub­scribe to my mail­ing list and receive updates via e‑mail. (I only send a few newslet­ters a year.)

At, l also have my own indieweb flavoured cor­ner of the inter­net, away from the big social silos, which I use for per­son­al thoughts and obser­va­tions, and as a play­ground for try­ing out new cre­ative ideas and side projects.


Join the friend­ly com­mu­ni­ty and fol­low @ArnoldHoogerwerf, to auto­mat­i­cal­ly see all my updates show up in your time­line. See below for a few of my lat­est posts.


You can also fol­low me from Mastodon / through Activ­i­ty­Pub.

Social Media

While I am slow­ly mov­ing away from the big social net­works, I still cross post all my blog­posts to both my Twit­ter and (if rel­e­vant) LinkedIn pro­files.

Audio / Video Sharing

Most of the embed­ded audio­vi­su­al media on this site can be found on my Vimeo or Sound­cloud accounts.


Sub­scribe to my web­sites (either via RSS or JSON) in your favourite feed read­er, to stay auto­mat­i­cal­ly up to date.