Flyer Muisman OpnemenMuis­man Opne­men is the newest per­for­mance of the­atre group cow­boy bij nacht, for which I again com­posed the sound­track. Muis­man Opne­men is based on the nov­el ‘The Over­coat’ by Niko­laj Gogol (1809 — 1852) and is about Muis­man, a civ­il ser­vant with a futile func­tion. He nev­er­the­less loves his job and every­day, he arrives hap­py at the office. One day, he meets the impul­sive ‘girl upstairs’. She pur­sues him to buy a new over­coat. This over­coat will for­ev­er change his life.

Muis­man Opne­men is made by:

  • Robert van Dijk (Text)
  • Alexan­der de Vree (Direc­tor)
  • Erol Stru­ijk, Shan­ti Straub, Frank Der­i­jcke (Actors)
  • Mar­leen Bue­nen (Stagedesign)
  • Arnold Hooger­w­erf (Music)
  • Orin Habich (Light­de­sign)
  • Maaike Mul (Pro­duc­tion)
  • Paul Wolterink (Graph­ic Design)

Muis­man Opne­men will be per­formed:
