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To live and die in L.A. (1985). Basi­cal­ly an updat­ed ver­sion of The French con­nec­tion. Remind­ed me of Mia­mi Vice. With a young and con­vinc­ing Willem Dafoe and also John Tur­tur­ro. And not to for­get Rob­by Müller on cam­era.

Sor­cer­er (1977). Anoth­er great movie from William Fried­kin. In all his movies there seem to be only losers and no win­ners. No mat­ter what genre, his main char­ac­ters always are in absolute despair. Great sound­track by Tan­ger­ine Dream as well.

Today is Uni­ver­sal Children’s Day. A nice occa­sion for the Dutch par­lia­ment to start the hope­ful­ly new tra­di­tion of Ques­tion Time for chil­dren!

The French Con­nec­tion (1971) This must have been the best crime thriller I’ve ever seen. The dense edit­ing gives the whole film a ner­vous pace, and the haunt­ing sound­track keeps you shiv­er­ing through­out. Def­i­nite­ly made me curi­ous about oth­er films direct­ed by William Fried­kin

Anoth­er good one from the sev­en­ties, with a young Nick Nolte. Plot line a bit dis­ap­point­ing, but great cin­e­matog­ra­phy. Who’ll Stop the Rain (1978)

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