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Enjoyed watch­ing some great films from the sev­en­ties late­ly. Night Moves (1975) cer­tain­ly was one of them. Direct­ed by Arthur Penn, and with a great Gene Hack­man.

Look­ing back at a suc­cess­ful work­shop with stu­dents from the Ams­ter­dam Acad­e­my of The­atre and Dance!


Proud to cycle over this bridge and to bring my kids to this school every­day!


I love the new hin­ge­less strand­beest UMINAMI by Theo Jansen.



“Maybe it was too beau­ti­ful, but it was the only way to do it”

Great quote from the late Rob­by Müller on shoot­ing a scene of ‘Down by law’.


Both fas­ci­nat­ing and creepy…



Slow motion in slow motion, through AI. Seems bad news for high speed cam­era man­u­fac­tur­ers.

A remake of Disney’s Dum­bo is set for release in 2019. Appar­ent­ly includ­ing a remake of the Pink Ele­phant Parade too. Don’t know if that’s a good thing or not…

Fas­ci­nat­ing to see this kind of detail in the eyes and wings of a crea­ture that only lives for a few weeks on aver­age…

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