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“Noise is treat­ed less as a health risk than an aes­thet­ic nui­sance […] Com­plain­ing about noise elic­its eye rolls. Noth­ing will get you labeled a crank faster.”

Why Is the World So Loud?

Just a web­page show­ing how much CO2 is emit­ted by Google every sec­ond…


“It is here that the well-edu­cat­ed per­son enters the pic­ture: some­one
who stud­ies a sub­ject not to acquire sci­en­tif­ic knowl­edge of it but to
become a dis­cern­ing judge”

The well-edu­cat­ed per­son

And the war of the black­est blacks con­tin­ues…

“MIT engi­neers report today that they have cooked up a mate­r­i­al that is 10 times black­er than any­thing that has pre­vi­ous­ly been report­ed.”

Mit News

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