(Announcement) Cowboy Bij Nacht @ Uitfeest Utrecht 2007

Cow­boy Bij Nacht will present short excerpts from two upcom­ing the­atre shows at Uit­feest 2007, mark­ing the begin­ning of the cul­tur­al sea­son. At Huis a.d. Werf, ‘Maandag of Dins­dag’ will be play­ing at 13.30 and 14.30 (Pre­miere will be octo­ber 25 2007 at Huis aan de Werf). At the Ganzen­markt (Stad­huis­plein), on every whole hour, there will be a short excerpt titled ‘Onder­getek­ende’. The pre­miere of this new per­for­mance is sched­uled some­where in spring 2008. I will make music for both pieces.

(Announcement) New Website!

Wel­come to my slow­ly ever-expand­ing web­site (which is still under con­struc­tion, though). As i add more arti­cles, this site will func­tion as an online port­fo­lio of my work. For now, I’m in the process of adding tex­tu­al infor­ma­tion about my projects. Lat­er on, i will add doc­u­men­ta­tion.
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