Just learned about word vectors and some cool tricks you can do with them for creative applications. For example: you can programmatically ‘average’ words like hot and cold to end up with warm! Time to get more into NLP, and a good enough motivation to improve my Python skills…

4000 axe-monies returned to Mexico

Intriguing mixture of folk art, economics and technology from 800 years ago.

They are archaeologically significant (…) because they attest to an exchange of monies and metallurgic technology between the ancient Mexican and Andean peoples.

What is monoculture?

”Is there less monoculture today, or is culture more mass than ever? Are we siloed within our own preferences or are we unable to escape the homogenized net-average, consuming all the same things?”

Very proud of all the participating students of the video and audio workshop at the Academy of Theatre and Dance in Amsterdam, who had their public presentation today. They all got way out of their comfort zone and made very personal, vulnerable works of art.

🎥 Finally had a chance to visit Andrei Tarkovsky: the exhibition in Eye Filmmuseum Amsterdam. The multi screen setup didn’t do his films justice in my opinion. But there were a lot of interesting handwritten manuscripts and beautiful Polaroids of dreamy landscapes.

🎵 My week in music (week #48)

Made a short visit with the family to ‘Self-publish or be damned’ at AG Utrecht. A beautiful ode to DIY publishing in various subcultures in the past and present.

🎵 Music + Activism ❤️ Place: The Netherlands

”The Netherlands positions itself as progressive and open but to People of Colour and other minority groups it is very different. LGBTQIA+ refugees are the most marginalized and the most at risk.”

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