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A must read, if you ask me: Child­hood’s End, by George Dyson.

‘Most of us, most of the time, are fol­low­ing instruc­tions deliv­ered to us by com­put­ers rather than the oth­er way around. The dig­i­tal rev­o­lu­tion has come full cir­cle and the next rev­o­lu­tion, an ana­log rev­o­lu­tion, has begun. None dare speak its name.’

I very much enjoyed Oskar Kokosch­ka. A ret­ro­spec­tive in Kun­sthaus Zürich today.

How Much of the Inter­net Is Fake?

Every­thing that once seemed defin­i­tive­ly and unques­tion­ably real now seems slight­ly fake; every­thing that once seemed slight­ly fake now has the pow­er and pres­ence of the real.

Every year, the rasp­ber­ry in my gar­den man­ages to bear fruit until the Christ­mas hol­i­days. This lit­tle fel­la was the sole sur­vivor of this year’s bat­tle.

This quote from What art is is a pret­ty good sum­ma­ry of Arthur Danto’s phi­los­o­phy of art in gen­er­al. What Art Is

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