Isn't She Lovely?!After­im­age is a 3 chan­nel video instal­la­tion in coop­er­a­tion with Mariska Hogen­doorn, and is about the thin line between per­cep­tion and inter­pre­ta­tion. Flash­es of faces with dif­fer­ent expres­sions ran­dom­ly appear on three mon­i­tors, that imme­di­ate­ly begin to degen­er­ate into “smears” of col­or. Because images appear unex­pect­ed, the vis­i­tor is almost always ‘too late’, forc­ing him to ‘men­tal­ly recon­struct’ these blur­ry images into facial expres­sions.

This project is exhib­it­ed:

  • may 13–16 1999, May Fes­ti­val, Roy­al Con­ser­va­to­ry, The Hague (NL)