Flyer AtkritkaAtkrit­ka is a the­atri­cal per­for­mance by Cow­boy Bij Nacht. It is based on the doc­u­men­tary film Check­point of Yoav Shamir, con­cern­ing the social inter­course between Israeli sol­diers and Pales­tin­ian cit­i­zens at check­points around the Pales­tin­ian areas. For this play, I com­posed a mul­ti­chan­nel sound­track.

In Atkrit­ka, the tensed sit­u­a­tion around the check­points is stripped of almost all visu­al con­text in six suc­ce­sive scenes. As a con­trast, I tried to ‘fill in’ this stripped con­text with a ‘hyper­re­al­is­tic’ sound­scape. Sounds were treat­ed as objects; sev­er­al small speak­ers on the stage played back con­crete sounds of birds, insects, cars, etc., with­in a sur­round­ing sound­scape of 4 big­ger speak­ers around the stage, each scene resem­bling a dif­fer­ent des­o­late atmos­phere.

This project is made by:

  • Rosa Mee, Greg Not­trot, Hok Tan, Çig­dem Teke (Actors)
  • Alexan­der de Vree (Direc­tor)
  • Robert van Dijk (Tekst)
  • Andrea Jacobs (Stagedesign)
  • Arnold Hooger­w­erf (Sound-/Light­de­sign)
  • Jor­gen Schellekens (Tech­ni­cian)
  • Sascha van Veen (Pro­duc­tion)
  • Alba The­ater­huis (Pro­duc­er)
  • Paul Wolterink (Graph­ic Design)

This project is per­formed:

  • dec 7 — dec 16 2006, The­ater­huis Alba, Den Haag (NL)
  • dec 20 — dec 23 2006, Vil­la Con­cor­dia, Utrecht (NL)
  • Excerpt of sound­track (.mp3)