Cowboy bij nacht

Music and sound design for theatre

From 2005 until 2014, I was a core mem­ber of the­atre group Cow­boy bij Nacht in Utrecht.


Over the course of almost ten years, we made sev­er­al the­atre per­for­mances and par­tic­i­pa­tive per­for­mance instal­la­tions, which were shown on nation­al the­atre fes­ti­vals like Oerol, Over ‘t IJ Fes­ti­val, Spring Per­form­ing Arts Fes­ti­val and Kar­avaan Fes­ti­val. We also made a sev­er­al nation­wide the­atre tours.


For most of the per­for­mances we made, I com­posed the music and was respon­si­ble for the over­all sound design.


2005 — 2014


Musi­cal com­po­si­tions and sound design for sev­er­al the­atre per­for­mances