
Film/Space is a mon­u­men­tal mul­ti-chan­nel video instal­la­tion with­out sound. It con­sists of 24 pro­jec­tion-screens, placed in a pre­cise spa­tial arrange­ment. The vis­i­tor walks around in a filmic land­scape of con­tin­u­ous­ly chang­ing pro­ject­ed forms in per­fect lin­ear per­spec­tive. One’s abil­i­ty to per­ceive space is con­stant­ly put to the test; the vis­i­tor is encour­aged to view the instal­la­tion from dif­fer­ent per­spec­tives and to see the pro­ject­ed images in rela­tion to the phys­i­cal space sur­round­ing the instal­la­tion.


The objec­tive of this instal­la­tion (cre­at­ed in coop­er­a­tion with Seema Ouwe­neel) was to explore dif­fer­ent rela­tions between ‘real’ phys­i­cal space and the ‘illu­so­ry’ space of lin­ear per­spec­tive. Since the inven­tion of lin­ear per­spec­tive in Renais­sance paint­ing, the bound­aries between real­i­ty and an image of real­i­ty become thin­ner and more ambigu­ous. Nowa­days, through pho­tograpy, film and tele­vi­sion and, more recent­ly, vr-tech­niques, we’re becom­ing more con­di­tioned and more and more depen­dent on twodi­men­sion­al images as the only ‘true’ repro­duc­tion of real­i­ty.


Film/Space tries to make this vis­i­ble by show­ing both ‘real­i­ties’ simul­ta­ne­ous­ly.




mul­ti­screen video instal­la­tion




no sound


Nether­lands Media Art Insti­tute , Ams­ter­dam


exhi­bi­tion Spa­tial Media Spe­cial, april 1 — april 19 2003


 curat­ed by Michael van Hoogen­huyze


Film/Space is made pos­si­ble by funds from Rot­ter­dams Fonds voor de Film en Audio­vi­suele Media and Rot­ter­damse Kun­st­sticht­ing