Ontleding van het filmische

Ontled­ing Van Het Filmis­che is a per­for­mance / light instal­la­tion. In this per­for­mance, a mechan­i­cal light con­struc­tion is built and care­ful­ly test­ed, with the ulti­mate goal of cre­at­ing one ‘cin­e­mat­ic’ moment. This project is an ode to the pio­neers of cin­e­ma: all the artists, priests, alchemists and sci­en­tists that pas­sion­ate­ly worked on the inven­tion of the cin­e­mat­ic appa­ra­tus, an appa­ra­tus that laid the base for our con­tem­po­rary visu­al cul­ture.

With this project, i grad­u­at­ed from the Inter­fac­ul­ty Sound and Image (now ArtScience Inter­fac­ul­ty). It was sort of a roundup of all the ideas i had dur­ing my study. In a way, this project is also a self por­trait: in total dark­ness, the per­former is turn­ing a big steer­ing wheel. This caus­es two mov­ing lights to light a series of hang­ing cut out sil­hou­ettes. The stro­bo­scop­ic effect gives the illu­sion of a per­son turn­ing around a big steer­ing wheel…




Per­for­mance / light instal­la­tion


Gallery Tou­s­sain­tkade, Stroom HCBK, The Hague (NL)

Eindter­men (grad­u­ate exhi­bi­tion)