Secret Places

Performance installation

Secret Places was a per­for­mance instal­la­tion by Forced Enter­tain­ment with 13 per­form­ers of the Rot­ter­dam and The Hague Art Acad­e­mies. In this 4 hours last­ing per­for­mance, the per­form­ers were sit­ting next to each oth­er with their eyes closed, telling each oth­er sto­ries from mem­o­ry.

“Sur­round­ed by 1000 snap­shots of the city 13 per­form­ers embark upon a marathon of mem­o­ry. Hun­dreds of sto­ries are told, for­got­ten places are re-dis­cov­ered and frag­ments of rem­i­nis­cence are whis­pered in the half-light. You are invit­ed to eaves­drop.”

This project was the result of a three week work­shop by Forced Enter­tain­ment from Sheffield, UK. I was one of the par­tic­i­pants / per­form­ers. In the weeks pre­ced­ing the per­for­mance, we took thou­sands of pho­tos of all kinds of places in Rot­ter­dam. These pho­tos were placed on the exhi­bi­tion floor, all with a lit­tle note chalked next to it: ‘A Good Place for.…”.




Per­for­mance Instal­la­tion

In cooperation with

Forced Enter­tain­ment

Stu­dents of the Willem de Koon­ing Acad­e­my (Rot­ter­dam)

Stu­dents of the Roy­al Acad­e­my of Art (The Hague)


R Fes­ti­val

V2_, Insti­tute for Unsta­ble Media, Rot­ter­dam (NL)