Tesla theatre

Tes­la The­atre is a short musi­cal the­atre per­for­mance about inven­tor and eccen­tric genius Niko­la Tes­la. In this per­for­mance for actor and a musi­cal tes­la coil, we share our fas­ci­na­tion with way­ward inven­tor, physi­cist and futur­ist Niko­la Tes­la (1856 — 1943). Although he was often regard­ed as a mad genius in his own times, nowa­days Tes­la is seen as one of the biggest inven­tors of all times in the fields of elec­tric­i­ty and mag­net­ism. In this per­for­mance his mir­a­cles and rad­i­cal ideas regard­ing a glob­al net­work of unlim­it­ed wire­less ener­gy come to live.




Musi­cal the­atre per­for­mance


‘Nacht van Kun­st en Weten­schap’, Gronin­gen

In cooperation with

Roel Voor­bij, Daniël Eind­hoven (megavolts.nl)