Time Sketch #2Time Sketch #2 (1.20 min. loop / SD Video / No Sound) is a short exper­i­men­tal video work, based on the same ideas and tech­niques i used in 24H Panora­ma and Scenes From My Back­yard. Here, i exper­i­ment­ed with the idea of show­ing simul­ta­ne­ous­ly four dif­fer­ent ‘tem­pi’ of one take of footage. Time appears in a stretched or com­pressed man­ner, cre­at­ing a sort of ‘tem­po­ral dis­ori­en­ta­tion’.

Time Sketch #2 is exhib­it­ed:

  • novem­ber 30 — decem­ber 4 2007: Booth of Exis­ten­tie on Lin­eart Art Fair, Flan­ders Expo, Ghent (BE)
  • feb­ru­ary 15th — feb­ru­ary 19th 2008: Exhi­bi­tion ‘Nar­ra­tives in Space // Spa­tial Nar­ra­tions’ at ACEC site, Ghent (BE)
