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Masterclass with Alvin Lucier

On Sun­day, octo­ber 19th 2014, i was giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to attend a mas­ter­class by Alvin Luci­er at the Stedelijk Muse­um, Ams­ter­dam. This very inspir­ing mas­ter­class was part of the Alvin Luci­er Fes­ti­val and was orga­nized by Son­ic Acts. Mr. Luci­er talked exten­sive­ly about his work and we attend­ed sev­er­al of his com­po­si­tions being per­formed across the muse­um. Sev­er­al of my own projects were inspired by the ideas and work of Alvin Luci­er.

[Announcement] First public presentation of ‘De Meeuwen van Tinbergen’ at Uitfeest Utrecht 2010

On sep­tem­ber 12, a first pub­lic pre­sen­ta­tion will be held of my upcom­ing project ‘De Meeuwen van Tin­ber­gen’ dur­ing Uit­feest Utrecht 2010, the start of the cul­tur­al sea­son in Utrecht.

Once every hour, on the city hall square, Cow­boy by Nacht will present a ‘con­cert for seag­ulls’, pre­sent­ed through an 8‑channel sur­round sound instal­la­tion, placed around the square. In between these short inter­ven­tions (inspired by Hitch­cock­’s “The Birds”), we will invite the audi­ence to take part in a lit­tle video-inter­view, while they get a spe­cial treat­ment by a make-up artist.

More on this project (which is sched­uled for sum­mer 2011) in future posts, for now, check the project-blog (in dutch), or the back of the fly­er below.

[Update] Stereo bounce from the orig­i­nal 8 track com­po­si­tion:
Étude (for Seag­ulls) by arnold­hooger­w­erf

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