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Boot­camp with stu­dents of the new bach­e­lor Crossover Cre­ativ­i­ty at HKU Utrecht.

Dâm­bovița, Roma­nia

”I’ve seen things you peo­ple would­n’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoul­der of Ori­on. I’ve watched C‑beams glit­ter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.”

Remem­ber­ing Rut­ger Hauer — WIRED

Oper­a­tion Night Watch begins today. Not your aver­age restora­tion:

”Imag­ing tech­niques, includ­ing macro-XRF and RIS, will help deter­mine its cur­rent con­di­tion, and macro X‑ray flu­o­res­cence scans will ana­lyze the chem­i­cal make-up of the paint lit­er­al­ly mil­lime­ter by mil­lime­ter.”

Jim Jar­musch: ‘I’m for the sur­vival of beau­ty. I’m for the mys­tery of life’

Film — The Guardian

”Accord­ing to Lorenz, the same visu­al cues can arouse us to equal­ly intense care­giv­ing when we encounter them in exag­ger­at­ed and dis­tilled form in ani­mals, such as birds and pup­pies, and even in dum­my mod­els, such as ted­dy bears.”

Why the pow­er of cute is colonis­ing our world

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