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Jum­bo the pri­va­cy app just got a lot bet­ter. Love the smart pri­va­cy set­tings for Google and Twit­ter. Total­ly rec­om­mend­ed!

Get­ting re-inspired through tidy­ing up the archive from my col­lege days and short there­after. Both by cours­es from my old teach­ers and the first work­shops I con­duct­ed myself after grad­u­a­tion. There’s a lot I for­got, but I’m sure a lot will find its way to future class­es again!

Final two weeks of my sound instal­la­tion at Eye Film­mu­se­um! (The par­al­lel exhi­bi­tion A Tale of Hid­den His­to­ries also very rec­om­mend­ed)

Explor­ing cul­tur­al his­to­ry through sto­ry­telling. Huai Mo Vil­lage(2012),Chia-Wei Hsu. At A Tale of Hid­den His­to­ries Exhi­bi­tion, Eye film­mu­se­um Ams­ter­dam.

“Many peo­ple won­der if there could be a genius like Leonar­do today, or what a per­son of his dis­po­si­tion would do. Per­haps there can­not be anoth­er like him because today’s world requires tremen­dous spe­cial­iza­tion.”

The Mind of Leonar­do Da Vin­ci

Excit­ed to see Fatouma­ta Diawara list­ed as one of the guest cura­tors for Le Guess Who 2019. Reveal­ing the guest cura­tors for Le Guess Who? 2019

Grow­ing up in the Was­soulou region, she expe­ri­enced sti­fling tra­di­tions and the oppres­sion of women. In her music, Diawara address­es fierce polit­i­cal top­ics, fight­ing for the rights of women and chil­dren in her home­land.

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