(Announcement) Exhibition ‘Narratives in Space // Spatial Narrations’ at ACEC site, Ghent (BE)

From feb­ru­ary 15th — feb­ru­ary 19th 2008, i will present a new video from my ‘Time Sketch’ series at exhi­bi­tion Nar­ra­tives in Space // Spa­tial Nar­ra­tions in Ghent (BE). This instal­la­tion exhi­bi­tion is organ­ised by Ghent based foun­da­tion Exis­ten­tie, a plat­form that brings togeth­er artists, arts crit­ics and cura­tors. The past cou­ple of months, i’ve been involved in ‘Labo 5’, a series of meet­ings, lec­tures and pre­sen­ta­tions organ­ised by Exis­ten­tie, aimed at bridg­ing the gap between art the­o­rists and art prac­ti­tion­ers. This ‘Nar­ra­tives…’ instal­la­tion exhi­bi­tion is one of the results of this Labo. Artists Par­tic­i­pat­ing: Arnold Hooger­w­erf (NL) Gui­do van der Werve (NL) Judit Het­tema (NL) Kat­ja Mater (NL) Keren Cyt­ter (NL/ISR) Lucas Lenglet (NL) Lucie Ren­neboog (BE) Pieter Ver­meer­sch (BE) Ste­fan Serneels (BE) Cura­tor: Imke Ruigrok (NL) 15/02/08: 20h OPENING 16/02/08 — 17/02/08: 14h<20h 18/02/08 — 19/02/08: 16h<20h Address: ACEC DOK NOORD 4 HAL 20, 9000 Ghent, Bel­gium

(In par­al­lel with this exhi­bi­tion, anoth­er result of Labo 5 is the fine arts exhi­bi­tion curat­ed by Sam Stev­er­lynck, ‘Palaz­zo Exis­ten­cia’ at Komi­jn­straat 3 in Ghent. With work of Boris Thiébaut (BE), Dirk Braeck­man (BE), Imke Ruigrok (NL), Joost Bakker (NL), Lil­lian Kreutzberg­er (NL), Ste­faan Serneels (BE))