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Final­ly received the cus­tom made pic­ture frame for a great birth­day present I got from close friends: an abstract screen print­ing of a Red­breast Robin! (Part of BLOCBIRDS, an art­pro­ject by Stu­dio 212 Fahren­heit.)

📚 Accord­ing to my Goodreads list I already start­ed read­ing A Dis­tant Mir­ror years back, but the book­mark revealed I nev­er got past the fore­word. This time, I’m deter­mined to read it all the way to the end, since it will be great research for my upcom­ing project on city bells.

❤️ Explor­ing the Dutch Green Heart land­scape through Google Earth Stu­dio.

Recon­nect­ing with Max/MSP while get­ting into the fine art of cam­panol­o­gy for an upcom­ing project on bells.

Graduation of first class of students Ad Design Digital Media

I just fin­ished the first part of the exam­i­na­tion assess­ment of the first group of stu­dents from the new Asso­ciate Degree Design Dig­i­tal Media (HKU — Utrecht Uni­ver­si­ty of The Arts). I’m very proud of all our stu­dents: their hard work has cer­tain­ly paid off, espe­cial­ly in these dif­fi­cult times!

Be sure to take a look at the online exhi­bi­tion at exposure.hku.nl. The stu­dents will have a Q&A with vis­i­tors on Fri­day 26 june 2020 from 16:45 — 19:00, you’re cor­dial­ly invit­ed! More info can be found here.

Or read this inter­view in Alge­meen Dag­blad with one of our stu­dents!

I was going through my sound archive and found a bunch of Mini­Discs. No way I will ever play them back any­more, but they’re sim­ply too beau­ti­ful to trash them…

Pret­ty hap­py with the new work desk at my shared work­space. Now let’s work from home for the unfore­see­able future…

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