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šŸŽ„ FinalĀ­ly had a chance to visĀ­it Andrei Tarkovsky: the exhiĀ­biĀ­tion in Eye FilmĀ­muĀ­seĀ­um AmsĀ­terĀ­dam. The mulĀ­ti screen setĀ­up didnā€™t do his films jusĀ­tice in my opinĀ­ion. But there were a lot of interĀ­estĀ­ing handĀ­writĀ­ten manĀ­uĀ­scripts and beauĀ­tiĀ­ful Polaroids of dreamy landĀ­scapes.

šŸŽµ My week in music (week #48)

Made a short visĀ­it with the famĀ­iĀ­ly to ā€˜Self-pubĀ­lish or be damnedā€™ at AG Utrecht. A beauĀ­tiĀ­ful ode to DIY pubĀ­lishĀ­ing in varĀ­iĀ­ous subĀ­culĀ­tures in the past and present.

šŸŽµ Music + Activism ā¤ļø Place: The NetherĀ­lands

ā€The NetherĀ­lands posiĀ­tions itself as proĀ­gresĀ­sive and open but to PeoĀ­ple of Colour and othĀ­er minorĀ­iĀ­ty groups it is very difĀ­ferĀ­ent. LGBTQIA+ refugees are the most marĀ­ginĀ­alĀ­ized and the most at risk.ā€

Video and sound workshop on ā€˜Identityā€™ at Academy of Theatre and Dance Amsterdam

Had a great start of a new video and sound workĀ­shop at the AcadĀ­eĀ­my of TheĀ­atre and Dance in AmsĀ­terĀ­dam. We had a brief disĀ­cusĀ­sion on the fine art of mass manipĀ­uĀ­laĀ­tion, and on the uncanĀ­ny simĀ­iĀ­larĀ­iĀ­ties between this fake news fragĀ­ment from a few days ago and the famous ā€˜LamĀ­beth Walkā€™ parĀ­oĀ­dy of Nazi proĀ­paĀ­ganĀ­da durĀ­ing the SecĀ­ond World War.

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