š„ FinalĀly had a chance to visĀit Andrei Tarkovsky: the exhiĀbiĀtion in Eye FilmĀmuĀseĀum AmsĀterĀdam. The mulĀti screen setĀup didnāt do his films jusĀtice in my opinĀion. But there were a lot of interĀestĀing handĀwritĀten manĀuĀscripts and beauĀtiĀful Polaroids of dreamy landĀscapes.
Had a great start of a new video and sound workĀshop at the AcadĀeĀmy of TheĀatre and Dance in AmsĀterĀdam. We had a brief disĀcusĀsion on the fine art of mass manipĀuĀlaĀtion, and on the uncanĀny simĀiĀlarĀiĀties between this fake news fragĀment from a few days ago and the famous āLamĀbeth Walkā parĀoĀdy of Nazi proĀpaĀganĀda durĀing the SecĀond World War.