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Bouwnummer 1077

Bouwnummer 1077

Performance / Sound installation

Bouwnum­mer 1077 is a ‘heavy phys­i­cal sound per­for­mance’ by Bart Viss­er, Rem­co de Jong and Arnold Hooger­w­erf. This project is both a per­for­mance and a sound instal­la­tion. The instal­la­tion scans the sur­round­ing space of the instal­la­tion with micro­phones and speak­ers, which are built into hang­ing cubes. It can be played like an instru­ment, by grasp­ing, swing­ing and rotat­ing the cubes. By play­ing sounds into the room and sub­se­quent­ly record­ing and replay­ing the same sound, an acoustic res­o­nance scan is being made of the space and the room will reveal, bit by bit, its ‘true acousti­cal iden­ti­ty’.


A com­put­er pro­gram is devel­oped to give the pos­si­bil­i­ty for live cou­pling of speak­ers and micro­phones in var­i­ous ‘loops’. By vary­ing these loops with this pro­gram, the space and instal­la­tion becomes a dynam­ic elec­tro-acoustic organ­ism.


This project is inspired by a com­po­si­tion of Amer­i­can com­pos­er Alvin Luci­er (1931): ‘I Am Sit­ting in a Room’. Orig­i­nal­ly from 1970 (and per­formed and record­ed on var­i­ous oth­er ocas­sions after­wards), this piece con­sists of thir­ty-two gen­er­a­tions of Alvin Lucier’s speech. The piece begins with “I am sit­ting in a room, dif­fer­ent from the one you are in now. I am record­ing the sound of my speak­ing voice…” etc. etc., and is then repeat­ed again and again until only the res­o­nant fre­quen­cies of the room remain. (More info on this piece and Alvin Luci­er can be found here and here)

Orig­i­nal­ly com­mis­sioned by Sticht­ing Werk­spoor and Ams­ter­dams Fonds voor de Kun­st, this project was part of a col­lec­tive research project in which artists, arche­ol­o­gists, writ­ers, local res­i­dents and city offi­cials made a plan for  the urban devel­op­ment of the Oost­en­burg­er Eiland area in Ams­ter­dam. Since then, an adapt­ed ver­sion of this project is being per­formed on var­i­ous inter­na­tion­al media art fes­ti­vals.




Per­for­mance / Sound instal­la­tion

In cooperation with

Bart Viss­er


Rem­co de Jong


sep­tem­ber 2001, Man­i­fes­ta­tie Werk­spoor 2001, Oost­en­burg­er Eiland, Ams­ter­dam, NL


novem­ber 2001, Dia­log Fes­ti­val, Der Alte Kaserne, Win­terthur, CH


jan­u­ary 2003, Trans­me­di­ale Fes­ti­val (Open­ing Act), Maria am Ufer, Berlin, GER


feb­ru­ary 2003, New Con­cepts in Live Elec­tron­ic Music, Kor­zo The­atre, The Hague, NL


Bouwnum­mer 1077 was made pos­si­ble by funds from Sticht­ing Werk­spoor and Amster­dams Fonds voor de Kun­st

Per­for­mance dur­ing New Con­cepts in Live Elec­tron­ic Music, Kor­zo The­atre, The Hague

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