Interactieve luisterbeleving mens maakt landschap maakt mens

Voor alle thuis­bli­jvers: mijn inter­ac­tieve luis­ter­fi­et­stocht mens maakt land­schap maakt mens is nu beschik­baar en kan op eigen gele­gen­heid wor­den gefi­etst en of gewan­deld.

Voor mij nu eerst vakantie, maar op 10 sep­tem­ber ben ik zelf aan­wezig bij Muse­um IJs­sel­stein om een intro­duc­tie te geven en in gesprek te gaan met deel­ne­mers. Meer infor­matie op mijn web­site!

Graduation of first class of students Ad Design Digital Media

I just fin­ished the first part of the exam­i­na­tion assess­ment of the first group of stu­dents from the new Asso­ciate Degree Design Dig­i­tal Media (HKU — Utrecht Uni­ver­si­ty of The Arts). I’m very proud of all our stu­dents: their hard work has cer­tain­ly paid off, espe­cial­ly in these dif­fi­cult times!

Be sure to take a look at the online exhi­bi­tion at The stu­dents will have a Q&A with vis­i­tors on Fri­day 26 june 2020 from 16:45 — 19:00, you’re cor­dial­ly invit­ed! More info can be found here.

Or read this inter­view in Alge­meen Dag­blad with one of our stu­dents!

Video and sound workshop on ‘Identity’ at Academy of Theatre and Dance Amsterdam

Had a great start of a new video and sound work­shop at the Acad­e­my of The­atre and Dance in Ams­ter­dam. We had a brief dis­cus­sion on the fine art of mass manip­u­la­tion, and on the uncan­ny sim­i­lar­i­ties between this fake news frag­ment from a few days ago and the famous ‘Lam­beth Walk’ par­o­dy of Nazi pro­pa­gan­da dur­ing the Sec­ond World War.

Shell Shock sound installation at Eye Amsterdam

I made a com­mis­sioned sound instal­la­tion for the Shell Shock pro­gramme in Eye Film­mu­se­um! You’re wel­come to expe­ri­ence it until 22 May 2019. It’s free, since the instal­la­tion is at the entrance of Eye, but I high­ly encour­age you to also vis­it one of the great talks, films and oth­er events as part of Shell Shock, or the par­al­lel exhi­bi­tion A Tale of Hid­den His­to­ries.

More info can be found on the project page.

Moving Image Course at HKU

This week I start­ed a new Mov­ing Image course at the HKU Brede Basiso­plei­d­ing (Uni­ver­si­ty of the Arts Utrecht). Here you can see the stu­dents cre­at­ing a Light Mod­u­la­tor. It’s so nice to see young stu­dents get­ting enthu­si­as­tic by an art excer­cise devel­oped almost 80 years ago at Moholy-Nagy’s New Bauhaus.

Masterclass with Alvin Lucier

On Sun­day, octo­ber 19th 2014, i was giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to attend a mas­ter­class by Alvin Luci­er at the Stedelijk Muse­um, Ams­ter­dam. This very inspir­ing mas­ter­class was part of the Alvin Luci­er Fes­ti­val and was orga­nized by Son­ic Acts. Mr. Luci­er talked exten­sive­ly about his work and we attend­ed sev­er­al of his com­po­si­tions being per­formed across the muse­um. Sev­er­al of my own projects were inspired by the ideas and work of Alvin Luci­er.

Lecture on Niko Tinbergen during ‘De Academie’ (De NUTtige winkel)

On jan­u­ary 15, Alexan­der de Vree and i pre­sent­ed a lec­ture on Niko Tin­ber­gen, his research on super­nor­mal stim­uli and  human behav­iour dur­ing De NUT­tige winkel (an annu­al series of per­for­mances by Nieuw Utrechts Toneel) in The­ater Kikker. The lec­ture was based on our research for De Meeuwen van Tin­ber­gen and focused on the impli­ca­tions of research in behav­iour­al biol­o­gy  in rela­tion to eco­nom­ics and the eco­nom­ic cri­sis. A small part of the lec­ture also focused on his broth­er (and fel­low Nobel Prize win­ner), the famous econ­o­mist Jan Tin­ber­gen.

Student film screenings at Filmin Festival

A selec­tion of short films made by stu­dents of my video cours­es at Utrechts Cen­trum v.d. Kun­sten will be screened at the Filmin fes­ti­val on sun­day june 10 2012. Filmin is a Euro­pean project aimed at improv­ing cul­tur­al exchange through the use of audio­vi­su­al media.

Loca­tion: Podi­umW­erk­Plaats (
Burcht­poort 5
 3452 MD Vleuten)

Exhibition “10 Jaar Vlampijpateliers”

From april 6–28 2011, i will present a dig­i­tal port­fo­lio of my work at the exhi­bi­tion 10 jaar Vlampi­j­pate­liers, Stad­huis Utrecht. Open­ing hours: Mon­day — Fri­day from 9.00 — 17.00. Address: Korte Min­re­broed­er­straat 2, Utrecht.
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