Leestip: Why A.I. Isn’t Going to Make Art

Zeer inter­es­sant artikel van Ted Chi­ang in The New York­er. Boorde­vol inter­es­sante quotes. Een selec­tie:


Art is noto­ri­ous­ly hard to define, and so are the dif­fer­ences between good art and bad art. But let me offer a gen­er­al­iza­tion: art is some­thing that results from mak­ing a lot of choic­es. […] If an A.I. gen­er­ates a ten-thou­sand-word sto­ry based on your prompt, it has to fill in for all of the choic­es that you are not mak­ing. There are var­i­ous ways it can do this. One is to take an aver­age of the choic­es that oth­er writ­ers have made, as rep­re­sent­ed by text found on the Inter­net; that aver­age is equiv­a­lent to the least inter­est­ing choic­es pos­si­ble, which is why A.I.-generated text is often real­ly bland. Anoth­er is to instruct the pro­gram to engage in style mim­ic­ry, emu­lat­ing the choic­es made by a spe­cif­ic writer, which pro­duces a high­ly deriv­a­tive sto­ry. In nei­ther case is it cre­at­ing inter­est­ing art.


A dog can com­mu­ni­cate that it is hap­py to see you, and so can a prelin­guis­tic child, even though both lack the capa­bil­i­ty to use words. Chat­G­PT feels noth­ing and desires noth­ing, and this lack of inten­tion is why Chat­G­PT is not actu­al­ly using lan­guage.


We are enter­ing an era where some­one might use a large lan­guage mod­el to gen­er­ate a doc­u­ment out of a bul­let­ed list, and send it to a per­son who will use a large lan­guage mod­el to con­dense that doc­u­ment into a bul­let­ed list. Can any­one seri­ous­ly argue that this is an improve­ment?


It’s not impos­si­ble that one day we will have com­put­er pro­grams that can do any­thing a human being can do, but, con­trary to the claims of the com­pa­nies pro­mot­ing A.I., that is not some­thing we’ll see in the next few years. Even in domains that have absolute­ly noth­ing to do with cre­ativ­i­ty, cur­rent A.I. pro­grams have pro­found lim­i­ta­tions that give us legit­i­mate rea­sons to ques­tion whether they deserve to be called intel­li­gent at all.


The task that gen­er­a­tive A.I. has been most suc­cess­ful at is low­er­ing our expec­ta­tions, both of the things we read and of our­selves when we write any­thing for oth­ers to read. It is a fun­da­men­tal­ly dehu­man­iz­ing tech­nol­o­gy because it treats us as less than what we are: cre­ators and appre­hen­ders of mean­ing. It reduces the amount of inten­tion in the world.


We are all prod­ucts of what has come before us, but it’s by liv­ing our lives in inter­ac­tion with oth­ers that we bring mean­ing into the world. That is some­thing that an auto-com­plete algo­rithm can nev­er do, and don’t let any­one tell you oth­er­wise.

Book cover of a book on bicultural identity Proud of all my stu­dents who grad­u­at­ed in the last few weeks! And hap­py to be the own­er of this beau­ti­ful and lim­it­ed edi­tion book by one of them (a side project of a big­ger project includ­ing a short doc­u­men­tary on bicul­tur­al iden­ti­ty).

The more con­vinc­ing­ly life­like AI-gen­er­at­ed text, images, audio, and now video become, the more I am drawn to tac­tile, ana­log, lo-fi, and more human forms of expres­sion.

Can Activ­i­ty­Pub save the inter­net? (David Pierce, The Verge, yes­ter­day)

I’m hope­ful, and would answer yes! Own­ing your own domain name should be the norm:

“But the advice you’ll hear from most peo­ple in this space is this: own your own domain. Don’t be john@/mastodon.social or anna@/facebook.com. Have a space that is yours, that belongs to you, a user­name and iden­ti­ty that can’t dis­ap­pear just because a com­pa­ny goes out of busi­ness or sells to a mega­lo­ma­ni­ac.”

mmlmm work in progress

Momenteel werk ik aan een inter­ac­tieve gelu­idswan­del­ing /-fiet­stocht, als ver­volg op de ten­toon­stelling mens maakt land­schap maakt mens in Muse­um IJs­sel­stein.

En goed nieuws! Onze gelijk­namige videoin­stal­latie zal nog tot eind jan­u­ari 2023 te zien zijn, nu als onderdeel van de nieuwe ten­toon­stelling Ven­sters.

Bei­de pro­jecten zijn gebaseerd op diverse gesprekken die we met deel­ne­mende kun­ste­naars en his­tori­ci had­den over de menselijke omgang met cul­tu­ur­land­schap in verleden, heden en toekomst. Met bij­dra­gen van Niels Stomps, Wumen Ghua, Esther Polak, Ivar van Bekkum en his­tori­cus Arjan van ’t Riet. Bin­nenko­rt meer!

This week, I paid a vis­it to the beau­ti­ful Klok en Peel muse­um in Asten, a small muse­um with an exten­sive col­lec­tion and library on the sub­ject of bells. I was there for dis­cussing a small com­mis­sioned job, but also for research on my upcom­ing sound­scape project on city bells.

Final­ly received the cus­tom made pic­ture frame for a great birth­day present I got from close friends: an abstract screen print­ing of a Red­breast Robin! (Part of BLOCBIRDS, an art­pro­ject by Stu­dio 212 Fahren­heit.)

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