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Nomination for BNG WorkSpace Project Prize 2010

Close Encounter of the First Kind SketchI got nom­i­nat­ed for the BNG Work­Space Project Prize 2010, orga­nized by Filmhuis Den Haag / ZAAL5, with a project pro­pos­al for an inter­ac­tive light instal­la­tion named ‘A Close Encounter of The First Kind’ (for which i’m still seek­ing fund­ing).

WORKSPACE is the annu­al project com­pe­ti­tion through which ZAAL5 seeks out tal­ent­ed film­mak­ers and artists work­ing with film, new (inter­ac­tive) media, video instal­la­tions, per­for­mance and visu­als. ZAAL5 is the in-house project space for media arts at Filmhuis Den Haag. This mul­ti­func­tion­al room is ded­i­cat­ed to pro­grammes and projects using mov­ing images that are not dis­played in reg­u­lar film halls.

I was one of the 5 select­ed artists (out of 45 appli­cants) that had to pitch his or her project pro­pos­al on the 25th of april 2010, in front of a pro­fes­sion­al jury, to win one of the two avail­able prizes of € 9000,- for the real­iza­tion and pre­sen­ta­tion of the project.

[Announcement] Preview of ‘Geen Familie’ at Toonkamer Utrecht

Cow­boy bij Nacht will present a pre­view of their new the­atre per­for­mance Geen Fam­i­lie in the beau­ti­ful old Pas­toe­fab­riek in Utrecht, sep­tem­ber 13, 2009.
Geen Fam­i­lie will have its pre­miere on nov 12, 2009 at Huis a.d. Werf, Utrecht.

(Announcement) ‘24H Panorama’ at the 6th International Environmental Short Film Festival, Istanbul (TR)

My short film 24H Panora­ma will be screened at the Inter­na­tion­al Envi­ron­men­tal Short Film Fes­ti­val, tak­ing place from june 5–10 2008 in Istan­bul (Turkey). My film is sched­uled on the 8th of june at 20.30 hrs. Oth­er select­ed dutch films (from Peter Delpeut, Erik Urlings, Frank van den Engel and Fro­da Kuipers) will be screened as well on this fes­ti­val.

Cimatics Masterclass Live A/V, Brussels (2007/2008)

CimaticsThis week I am attend­ing the fourth and last week of the Cimat­ics Mas­ter­class Live A/V 2007/2008 in Brus­sels. Cimat­ics is a Brus­sels based inter­na­tion­al plat­form for Live A/V. This Mas­ter­class con­sists of a series of 4 work­shops with lec­tures from dif­fer­ent inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned media artists / the­o­rists (amongst oth­ers Marc Ameri­ka, Lab[au], Yves de Mey, Jer­ry  Galle, Bren­dan Byrne & Ana Car­val­ho, Boris Debackere). The prac­ti­cal part is all about col­lab­o­ra­tion: 10 select­ed artists, work­ing in dif­fer­ent fields of media-art (and with back­grounds rang­ing from chore­og­ra­phy to archi­tec­ture) form groups and col­lab­o­rate with each oth­er, with the aim of cre­at­ing an audio­vi­su­al per­for­mance project.


(Announcement) Cowboy Bij Nacht @ Uitfeest Utrecht 2007

Cow­boy Bij Nacht will present short excerpts from two upcom­ing the­atre shows at Uit­feest 2007, mark­ing the begin­ning of the cul­tur­al sea­son. At Huis a.d. Werf, ‘Maandag of Dins­dag’ will be play­ing at 13.30 and 14.30 (Pre­miere will be octo­ber 25 2007 at Huis aan de Werf). At the Ganzen­markt (Stad­huis­plein), on every whole hour, there will be a short excerpt titled ‘Onder­getek­ende’. The pre­miere of this new per­for­mance is sched­uled some­where in spring 2008. I will make music for both pieces.
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